According to our motto “We solve your coating problems”, our range of products is not only about paints and varnishes. We also provide thinners and degreasing agents for cleaning substrates or tools as well as several types of sealants that meet a wide range of requirements.
In the areas below you will find the types of coatings where we belong among the world leaders. Contact us for more information
Those, who do little of everything do nothing 100%, and therefore if there is an area which is not our expertise, we can recommend qualified and proven professionals who will be able help you.

According to our motto “We solve your coating problems”, our range of products is not only about paints and varnishes. We also provide thinners and degreasing agents for cleaning substrates or tools as well as several types of sealants that meet a wide range of requirements.
In the areas below you will find the types of coatings where we belong among the world leaders. Contact us for more information
Those, who do little of everything do nothing 100%, and therefore if there is an area which is not our expertise, we can recommend qualified and proven professionals who will be able help you.