We are a company with  long tradition and experience in various SEGMENTS and types of COATINGS and branches all around the WORLD.

We are not just a manufacturer and retailer, but mainly a partner in the comprehensive solution of your coating needs.

We do not focus on coloured packaging, but on the content and therefore you do not pay
for what you throw away but for what ensures the protection of your products

What do we offer and what are we good at?

    • Our application technicians will RECOMMEND, FINE-TUNE the spraying equipment and our paints for your conditions, i.e. we do “TAILOR MADE COATINGS”.
    • We will identify the optimal solutions for your production and needs and provide advice on surface treatment issues free of charge.
    • Presence of application technician WITHOUT ANY EXTRA PAYMENT with qualified report.
    • Training for  your applicating staff.
    • Mix and tone colours on the FARB-EXPRESS system delivered “JUST IN TIME”.
    • Delivery to destination of choice.
    • Standard in RAL shades or RAL Design , STN, ČSN, British Standard and other standards according to customer specification.
    • OPTIMIZATION AND STREAMLINING of the coating process.
    • Minimizing or reducing VOC in your production.

We are a company with long tradition and experience in various SEGMENTS and types of COATINGS and branches around the WORLD.

We are not just a manufacturer and retailer, but mainly a partner in the comprehensive solution of your coating needs.

We are not focused on colored packaging, but on the content and therefore you do not pay
for what you throw away but for what ensures the protection of your products

What do we offer and what are we good at?

    • Our application technicians will RECOMMEND and FINE-TUNE the spraying equipment and our coatings for your conditions, i.e. we do “TAILOR MADE COATINGS”.
    • We will identify the optimal variants for your specific production and needs and provide advice on surface treatment issues free of charge.
    • Presence of application technician WITHOUT EXTRA PAYMENT with qualified report.
    • Training for your applicating staff.
    • Mix and tone coatings on the FARB-EXPRESS system delivered “JUST IN TIME”.
    • Delivery to the desired destination.
    • Standard in RAL shades or RAL Design , STN, ČSN, British Standard and other standards according to customer specification.
    • OPTIMIZATION AND STREAMLINING of the coating process.
    • Minimizing or reducing VOC in your production.

Čo ponúkame a v čom sme dobrí?

  • Naši aplikační technici odporučia, vyladia striekaciu techniku a naše farby pre Vaše podmienky, t.j. robíme „FARBY NA MIERU“.
  • Vytipujeme optimálne varianty pre vašu výrobu a potreby a poskytujeme bezplatné poradenstvo pri otázkach v oblasti  povrchových úprav.
  • Prítomnosť aplikačného technika podľa dohody bez extra platieb s kvalifikovanou písomnou správou
  • Zaškolenie pracovníkov pre aplikáciu
  • Miešanie a tónovanie farieb na zariadení FARB-EXPRESS “Just in Time“
  • Dodanie na miesto určenia
  • Štandardne v odtieňoch RAL, prípadne RAL Design ČSN, British Standard a ďalších podľa zadania.
  • Optimalizácia a zefektívnenie lakovacieho procesu
  • Minimalizácia či redukcia VOC vo Vašej výrobe


Vyriešime Vaše problémy s povrchovou úpravou

Nie sme len výrobcom a predajcom, ale partnerom pri komplexnom riešení povrchových úprav:

  • Vytipujeme optimálne varianty a poskytujeme bezplatné poradenstvo pri Vašich otázkach v oblasti  povrchových úprav.
  • Naši aplikační technici doporučia, vyladia striekaciu techniku a naše farby pre Vaše podmienky, t.j. robíme „FARBY NA MIERU“.
  • Naši obchodní zástupcovia sú Vám telefonicky k dispozícií 24 hodín denne, 7 dní v týždni a V prípade záujmu aj osobne na základe dohovoru.
  • Prítomnosť aplikačného technika podľa dohody bez extra platieb
  • Kvalifikovaná písomná správa z každej návštevy nášho technika
  • Zaškolenie pracovníkov podľa potreby bez extra platieb nátery

–    Miešanie a tónovanie farieb na zariadení FARB-EXPRESS “Just in Time“ v štandardne v odtieňoch RAL,   prípadne RAL Design, STN, ČSN, British Standard a ďalších podľa zadania.

Car interior
Car interior